Versatile and Compact Design
This zipper flat pouch is such a versatile and compact design, it's an indispensible accessory for numerous applications.When you need to sort out cables, adapters and chargers, arrange cosmetics and cleaning material if it's travel papers you want then this one-fit kry job will see you through. With its slim design, it'll be easy to stuff into bigger bags or suitcases. And what's more, it's just right for your inner pocket--thus making The Flat Pouch with Zipper a fine companion both in daily life and on the move. No matter what your visual preference is, The Flat Pouch with Zipper will match-- and on that score it serves equally well as an arrangement for ladies or man.The pouch's minimalist style ensures that it will match any outfit or setting, whether casually dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt or slicked up for dinner at a fancy restaurant.Thus, simply having this pouch around can bring great convenience as it obviates the need to carry a number of different storage devices.